Friday 30 July 2010

Four Easy Ways to Improve Your Car's Resale Value

When it comes to your vehicle's long-term resale value, nothing will affect it like the care you put into it now.

Over the life of your car, many things will affect the ultimate resale value. From the make to the miles, there are many things that factor into the equation. While some of these things may be difficult to control, there are certainly a number of things you can do to help maintain value.

The more value you can keep with your car now, the better off you'll be when it comes time to trade in or sell down the road. And if for nothing else, these tips will help you enjoy your car more while you own it.

1. Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to ensure the highest possible resale value for your vehicle, is to follow all recommended maintenance guidelines. Make sure you're getting those regular checkups every 25,000 or 50,000 miles. This will prevent any minor issues from becoming major ones. Additionally, always follow manufacturer's recommendations for oil changes, fluid changes, filter replacements and other periodic maintenance requirements. These systems affect a wide range of other components. An inexpensive oil change now can prevent costly engine damage or other issues later on.

2. Use Seat Covers

While seat covers certainly add to the style and comfort of your car, they will actually help increase the resale value as well. Seat covers protect your car's upholstery from sun, stains and other damage. Every mile you put on your car is another mile in your seat. Over time, natural wear and tear will occur. This will eventually become visible, giving your car the appearance of being old and worn out. Despite how well you've cared for what's under the hood, this is the first thing a buyer will notice. Keep your interior looking brand new by investing in car seat covers.

3. Drive Safely

This may seem like a no-brainer, but as something that affects resale value more than almost any other, it's worth mentioning. Safe driving leads to better car condition, it's as simple as that. Accidents will always be on your car's record and even when fully repaired, they will affect the value. Also try to avoid driving on rough terrain and do not drive at unnecessarily high speeds. Each of these will wear on the life of your car.

4. Keep it clean

As a general rule, a clean car will be a good-looking car for a longer period of time. This applies to both the interior and the exterior of your vehicle. Keeping it clean will allow the finishes to last, keeping your car always looking like new. Wash the exterior regularly. This will keep the paint in good condition and remove any unwanted corrosive materials. This is particularly important in places where chemicals are used to de-ice roads. Also, make sure the interior of your car is cleaned regularly. When properly cared for, your dash and other interior components will keep their new-car look for many years to come.

These steps to regular care and maintenance will help ensure your car stays running and looking like new. This will ultimately ensure you get the best value for your sale or trade-in.

Ryan McSparran is a writer based in Denver, Colorado. Ryan covers business and consumer issues including auto maintenance and car seat covers.

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Tuesday 27 July 2010

How To Increase The Resale Value Of Your Car

Whether you are planning to sell your car in the near future, have purchased it for investment purposes or simply want to protect your investment, increasing the resale value of your car is never a bad idea. Many people are not aware, but there are several ways to maintain your car in such a way that it will prove to be more valuable than it's peers.

Keep it clean. Everyone likes a clean car and will consider this factor heavily when deciding to purchase a new ride. Even if you don't intend to sell it in the near future, you should keep the car clean for yourself and your passengers. Regular vacuuming, upholstery cleaning and shampooing of the floor are the best ways to maintain your car's interior.

Maintain your car according to the manufacturer's guidelines and schedule. This means regular inspections, oil changes and keeping up with any other repairs that need to be done. Keeping your car operating properly will make you feel safe while operating it and will also protect your investment in the years to come.

If it's broke, fix it. As with most cars, repairs are inevitable and no matter how hard you try, there will come a day that something needs fixed. It's best to avoid putting off any repairs and just go ahead and have them done immediately. Anything left uncorrected can lead to a much larger, and more expensive, problem in the future.

Annual Check-ups! A yearly visit to the doctor isn't just for individuals, but for cars too. Ok, so maybe a repair shop isn't the same thing as a doctor's office, but you get the idea. Annual inspections of your car's performance is crucial to it's overall health. Most states require that an individual have their car inspected annually, so do it for safety and because it's the law.

Walking. Believe it or not, walking is good for your car. When you walk, that is. When you drive to the grocery store, take a quick visual scan of the parking lot. Where are most of the cars located? Near the entrance, right? If you park in the less crowded area and are willing to walk a little farther to get inside the store, you may save your car from being dented and dinged by runaway shopping carts, car doors and other mishaps that often occur in crowded parking areas.

Save your receipts. If you have paperwork relating to the car or parts warranty, keep it in a safe place. In addition, any recall information and/or repair work that you have had done will be beneficial to future buyers and will also reassure them of your complete honesty if you are willing to go the extra mile and provide the paperwork.

In addition to the aforementioned ways of increasing your car's value, you should also repair any rust spots or paint chips, interior defects, loose knobs or other cosmetic problems that may affect the car's value. If you do all of these things, your car should be a major contender when it comes time to sell. Until then, you will have the pleasure of enjoying a well-maintained automobile.

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